But, in the exception clause, inside the nested log() method, print ( exc, file= fid) attempts to write to a file that hasn't been opened for writing. 但是,在异常语句的嵌套log()方法内,print(exc,file=fid)试图向一个尚未打开的文件进行写操作。
The exception clause and non-voluntary licensing clause were in conformity with Article 37 of TRIPS. 例外条款和非自愿许可条款与《TRIPS协定》第37条相一致。
At the same time, cultural exception clause should be considered in the investment agreement in order that the host country's behavior aiming to protect natural heritage is exempt from responsibility. 同时可以在投资协定中采用文化例外条款来免除东道国因保护自然遗产而产生的责任。
As the exception clause indicating the principles for trade mark registration and prior application, this clause is aimed to protect the unregistered trademarks which have become influential. 这是商标注册原则和申请在先原则的例外条款,其目的是对有一定影响的未注册商标进行保护。
The General Exception Clause of WTO WTO一般例外规则研究
FOIA Exception to the Commercial Confidential Information manifests the balance between public and private interest, which is dependent on legislation and legal practice to confine the Commercial Confidential Information in the FOIA Exception Clause. 信息公开立法中对商业机密等免于公开的规定体现了公益与私益平衡原则,而如何体现这一原则,还有赖于立法和实践中对免于公开规定的商业机密进行界定。
The fourth section analyses the requirements of using WTO security exception clause. 第四部分,分析了援用WTO安全例外条款的条件。
Research on Environmental Exception Clause of Article XX of GATT GATT第20条环境保护例外条款研究
The first section is one introduction. It indicates the necessity and practical significance of the research on WTO security exception clause. 本文共分五个部分,第一部分为引言,指出对WTO安全例外条款予以研究的必要性和现实意义。
Exception Clause and Warranty Clause of Voyage Charter Party in Connection with the Demurrage Liability 航次租船合同有关滞期责任的除外条款和保证条款
Thesis about the Working Rule of Exception Clause in Format Contract 论格式合同免责条款的法律规制
Treat the Legal Issues of Green Trade Barrier with the WTO Exception Clause 从WTO的例外条款看绿色贸易壁垒的法律问题
Since our country has become WTO member, in the practice of implementing WTO agreements, we have the full right to use WTO general exception clause legally and effectively so that we can carry out trade-restrictive measures in the specific situation to safeguard our country's national security. 我国现已成为世贸组织成员方,在实践和执行WTO各协议的实践中,完全有权合法、有效地运用WTO安全例外条款,在特定情况下实施贸易限制措施,以维护我国的国家安全利益。
Study on the WTO Security Exception Clause WTO安全例外条款研究
Studies on the Exception Clause of GATS GATS一般例外条款研究
As format contracts are widely used in daily life, problems of exception clause in contract are becoming more and more serious. 随着格式合同的普遍使用,合同中免责条款的问题也越来越多,由此带来的不公平现象也越来越受到人们的关注。
The first provision of these exception clauses is the "public morals exception clause", which is sufficient to see the importance of this exception. 其中列举的首个例外情形即为公共道德例外条款,由此足见该例外的重要性。
Through analysis from legislation and Judicature, the author tries to examine the basis that the reports of DSB on Article 20 of GATT could be used to interpret the general exception clause of GATS. 分别从立法层面和司法层面,探讨GATT第20条相关的争端解决机构报告适用于GATS一般例外条款的依据以及相关的问题。
As the general exception clause of GATS has been firstly invoked by a Member in the US-Gambling Case, it has aroused more and more attention. 随着GATS一般例外条款在美国赌博服务案中被WTO成员首次援引,该条款已经引起了人们越来越多的关注。
In the "general exception clause" of the comparison, in line with GATT twenty ( b), the "to protect human, animal and plant life and health measures made," this condition, but does not meet the" necessary "in this condition. 在一般例外条款的比较中,符合GATT二十条(b)项的为保障人类、动植物的生命健康所做的措施这个条件,但并不符合必需这个条件。
The exception clause of public morals in WTO rules only with a dozen of words, in order to balance the free trade and public morality, become the focus of attention from the trading parties, after in silence for more than half a century. 旨在平衡自由贸易与公共道德之关系的WTO公共道德例外条款,寥寥数十字的规则却在沉寂了半个多世纪之后成为贸易各方关注的焦点。
Starting with the relevant provisions of GATT/ WTO and combined with the first case that is considered to be consistent with the 20th XX ( b) of GATT environmental exception clause, this article makes a comprehensive and penetrative analysis. 本文从GATT相关规定入手,结合GATT/WTO争端解决实践中第一个被认为是符合GATT第20条环保例外条款规定的案件&石棉案,层层剥茧,进行细致深入的分析。
Chapter IV of this article discusses the scope of application of the public morals exception clause from the horizontal and vertical two levels. 有鉴于WTO公共道德例外条款并未规定其适用的范围,本文第四章从横向与纵向两个层面探讨了公共道德例外条款的适用范围。
Taking into account the connotation of "public morals" interpretation is the key to understand and invoke the WTO public morals exception clause, the second chapter devoted to the interpretation of the provisions. 考虑到公共道德的内涵解读是正确理解和援用WTO公共道德例外条款的关键,因而本文的第二章专门探讨了该条款的解释问题。
If not prevent the abuse of public morals exception clause, that could become a new means of trade protectionism, then the empty demands of moral will threaten the stable operation of the entire trade system. 若不防止各成员对公共道德例外条款的滥用,公共道德例外可能逐渐成为一项新的贸易保护主义手段,空洞的道德诉求将威胁整个贸易体制的稳定运作。
The general exception clause of GATS ( Article 14 of GATS) plays an important role in GATS by making a balance between liberalization of trade in services and special national policy objectives. 《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)一般例外条款(第14条)在服务贸易自由化和各国特定的国内公共政策目标之间起着非常重要的平衡作用。
Firstly, I have identified the legal provisions which provide the public morality trade measures provisions in China, and later I have proposed some countermeasures to China in case it invokes the public moral exception clause in the future. 本部分首先查明我国法律中规定的公共道德贸易措施的条文,紧接着对我国未来针对公共道德例外条款的适用提出具体的几点对策。
US& Gambling is the first case to invoke the public morals exception clause in the WTO system, this case established the standard of the analysis of the terms of the public morals exception. 美国赌博案是援引WTO体制下公共道德例外条款的第一案,该案确立了分析公共道德例外条款的标准。
Detailed comparison of the three parts of carbon tariffs and the basic principles of multilateral trade, WTO "general exception clause"," Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement "between. 分为三个部分详细比较了碳关税与多边贸易基本原则、WTO一般例外条款、《技术贸易壁垒协议》之间的关系。
Exception clause is one of basic forms in insurance contract. 免责条款是保险合同的基本条款。